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Object Nodes
Transform Stack

Transform Stack

Contains an object group’s transform information (file paths, frame appearance information, position/rotation/scale information)


  1. AssetPaths: paths of the 3D objects (string[])
  2. AppearanceIndices: appearance information of objects. Objects will be listed in an array with their alphabetical order index numbers. Array’s outermost nest is aligned with frame numbers, innermost is aligned with in frame appearance order (int[][])
  3. Positions (optional): Positions of objects. If not connected, (0, 0, 0) is the default value. Similar nest structure with AppearanceIndices (Vector3, Vector3Int)[][]
  4. Rotations (optional): Rotations of objects. If not connected, (0, 0, 0) is the default value. Similar nest structure with AppearanceIndices (Vector3, Vector3Int)[][]
  5. Scales (optional): Scales of objects. If not connected, (1, 1, 1) is the default value. Similar nest structure with AppearanceIndices (Vector3, Vector3Int)[][]


1.Out: Transform and appearance information of objects (ObjectTransformData)


Transform Stacknode example